Yoem Noki/Yaqui Language
The Yaqui, Hiaki, or Yoeme (these words are used interchangeably) language known as Yoem Noki or Hiak Noki, is a Native American language of the Uto-Aztecan family. It is spoken by about 17,500 Yaqui people in the Mexican state of Sonora and approximately 400 people across the border in the Southwest United States. It is partially intelligible with the Mayo language, spoken in the Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa, and together they are called Cahitan languages. As Yaquis, we call ourselves Hiaki or Yoeme, the Yaqui word for person (yoemem or yo’emem meaning “spiritually guided people”). The Yaqui call our homeland Hiakim, from which some say the name “Yaqui” is derived. (Resource: Diccionario Yaqui de Bolsillo)
El idioma Yaqui, Jiaki, o Yoeme (éstas palabras se pueden intercambiar indistintamente), conocido bajo los nombres Yoem Noki o Hiak Noki, es un idioma Nativo Americano de la familia Uto-Azteca. El idioma se habla entre unos 17,500 personas Yaqui en el estado mexicano de Sonora y aproximadamente 400 personas a crusar la frontera en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Es parcialmente entendible con el idioma Mayo, hablado en los estados mexicanos de Sonora y Sinaloa, y juntos se conocen como lenguas cahitas. Los Yaqui se llaman Hiaki o Yoeme a si mismos, cuyo nombre significa “persona” (yoemem o yo’emem significa “personas de influencia espiritual”). Los Yaqui llamamos nuestra tierra original “Hiakim”donde proviene, segun, la palabra “Yaqui”. (Recurso: Diccionario Yaqui del Bolsillo)
Additional Language Resources

Spanish – Yaqui dictionary: https://letrasylinguistica.unison.mx/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2016Diccionario_Yaqui_Espanol.pdf
English-Yaqui - World database: https://wold.clld.org/language/32
Flash cards: https://quizlet.com/602475840/yaqui-language-irregular-verbs-flash-cards/?x=1jqt
*Please note that Yaquis of Southern California has not created any of these resources and thus is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the content.